25 Oct How to Add Images, Videos and PDF Documents to Your WordPress Website
Adding Media to Your WordPress Site
Have you ever wanted to make your blog post look more professional by adding images and videos, but could not figure out how? Well at Mesa Digital Marketing, we are here to help your WordPress website have that professional look you want by showing you how to add images, videos, and even PDF’s to your website. The first step is to log into your WordPress site and find the option on your admin toolbar for media. Here you can drag whatever media files you want in and WordPress will save them for you. Most servers have a maximum limit of 20 megabytes. For images you’ll want to have them be a small file size but as high quality as you can get. There are free image optimization websites you can find online, where you can upload your photo and it will do it for you, or there are programs like Adobe Photoshop where you can edit it on your own. For videos, we want a similar idea, keep them at a smaller file size and shorter. For PDF’s, we recommend compressing your file (if you right click on the PDF file, you can compress it for the web). This makes it a zip file, which will come up as a button so your users can download it.
To put all these media files in a post, hover over the post button on your toolbar, and click on ‘add new’. You can add whatever text you would like in the text box. Above the text box, there is an add media button, if we click that, we can add the media we want and insert it into the post. If you notice your media looking a little low quality, it may be coming in at a thumbnail size. If you hover over the image, you can click the little pencil to edit and change the size to large or full in there. PDF’s and video can be embedded the same way but for video’s we would recommend using a plugin, such as YouTube, because it can slow down your site. We hope that this was helpful and hope you come back for more tutorial!
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