Get a FREE strategic audit of your account, this is no joke, we will tell you the exact system we use to 3x, 5x, and 10x eCommerce sales using Facebook Ads and tell you how to apply it to your account!

If you are FRUSTRATED trying to generate sales for your ecommerce store

this call is for you.

Check out some recent results this system has produced for our clients below

PLUS lock in your FREE strategy session today and we’ll personally review your ad account and give you suggestions on how to implement this winning strategy. (Approx. 45 minutes)

Lakanto Generated Over $98,042 In Sales From A $3,686 Adspend!

Lakanto sells an all-natural substitute for sugar. We rolled out advanced targeting and split testing techniques and were able to generate almost $100K in revenue from $3.6K in adspend in one month! Within one year the overall business has increased by more than 10X.

Supplement Brand Went From $80K Total Monthly Sales To $250K A Month After 4 Months Of Running Facebook Ads

When we first started working with this company, they were doing well at $80K in total business revenue each month, but they needed a way to scale. We started testing advanced targeting and split testing techniques and within four months we were able to help them more than double their total revenue! This was all done while maintaining a $10 ROAS (return on adspend) on their Facebook ads.

Tripled Revenue For Omega Custom Tackle After 1st Month

After one month of starting our services, Omega Custom Tackle was able to triple their total business revenue. Through the use of social proof tactics and DPA’s (retargeting ad campaigns), we were able to reach NEW audiences, re-engage with their old audience and compel both audiences to purchase.

Online Life Coach Achieved 3,125% ROI From Facebook Ads!

Liberate A Man had been running Facebook ads for over a year without seeing the results they wanted. After one month of working with us, they saw an increase of 2,000% ROI from their Facebook ads. After re-examining his avatar and targeting the right group for the first year we averaged 3,125% ROI!

 – Advantages of working with us –

 ✔️ NO CONTRACTS – We’re a month to month service. 


✔️NO SETUP FEES – We don’t charge anything extra to get your account going even if it’s brand new!


✔️MARKETING EXPERTS – When you hire us, you hire experts, NOT account managers. 


✔️RESULTS BASED – We focus on one thing when we are working in your account… Making you money! 


✔️WE LISTEN – We are business owners too and know how important the bottom line is. We work with your budget and the minimum return you need to create a formula to scale. 

If you’ve ever tried Facebook ads before, you understand exactly how complicated they really are, and that doing them wrong will end up costing you thousands of dollars and hours of your life. We let entrepreneurs focus on their zone of genius by taking the whole process off their hands.


We’ll build your Facebook funnel, establish your targeting, put together your ad creative, and then monitor and test it all until we achieve the results you’re after!


The reason it works lies in the structure of our strategy that we have been perfecting for the last couple of years. Click the button to schedule a free Facebook ads strategy call and we will show you how we do it!


(Note: This is a hassle free stragety call and no sales pressure shall be applied)

About Us

We (Jeremy and Perry) started Black Bear Advertising in 2017 and have not looked back since. We’ve kept our client list short and only take on a few at a time so that our clients get maximum results from our service. When you work with us you are not getting an account manager you’re getting us! In your account daily, optimizing and making your sure your returns are were you want them.

Schedule a call with us today to see if we would be a good fit!

What’s the catch? Nothing! You can take the call and implement the strategy with no strings attached. Of course we are actively looking for new clients who would like us to implement this strategy for them. And if at the end of the call we BOTH feel we’d be a good fit then we can talk about working together.

*These statistics are based on estimations from past client experiences and are not guaranteed for every business.